in clinic

Do you have a clear clinical process in place that gives you more flow, ease and better results?

Have you been looking for a way to easily identify what body systems need the most support, track your client’s progress, educate them about the holistic approach to health, and know your own clinical success rates?

Without a clear clinical process in place, it can be exhausting to grow your clientele because more clients means more work.

Ironically, when you need more clients to make more money, the very real possibility (or already lived reality) of burnout and fatigue can be a big block holding you back from expanding your practise and becoming the pro that you are! The right clinical processes can help to break this cycle, and mean that you can build your client base without burning yourself out.

The Reporting Process is the clinical framework that Emily developed in her first year in business, which has evolved over time to make managing cases and tracking progress easier. The additional review functionalities means you can show real statistical improvement to your clients, increase client retention and easily build long-term healthcare plans for each client’s challenge area.


how it works for you

What if there was a simple quiz to send your patient before or after their initial consultation that captures a comprehensive amount of their health data, and systematically characterises it?

An easy and simple way to see what systems need the most support, and what the drivers of their health problems are.

The State of Health quiz asks all the questions you mightn’t have, saving you time in the consult to focus on the important things.

“When I first started practising i often felt overwhelmed by the amount of information i had to piece together to try in an attempt to find the cause. i developed the state of health quiz to help me categorise the most important symptoms of each system, to give me guidance in where to focus my treatment, and to help educate my client on what’s important.” - emily banks

For the pros out there, our Custom Version allows you to (you guessed it) customise all of the information in the Health Quiz and Report.

This way, you can use your own perspective and experience to choose what symptoms are correlated to what system or problem.

You can also customise all of the content in the Health Report, allowing the information to sound like you, use the same analogies you do, and seed in the ways that you work to bring health back to your patients. You can even hyperlink in additional resources to help educate your patient or give them simple tips.

Thanks to the customisation, you can focus entirely on your niche area and even use the quiz as a way to identify drivers behind a niche problem area (Emily does this for acne and eczema).

a snapshot of the benefits

  • get a comprehensive view of your patient’s holistic health

  • easily snapshot your patient’s starting point, and track their progress over time

  • compare results at key points throughout the treatment program to keep your patient motivated

  • get statistical analyses of improvement in each health system over time

  • track your own progress and success rates as a clinician

  • quickly address things that might not be focused on in the consultation, like their lifestyle habits or environmental exposure that could be contributing to toxin load

  • have a key talking point of information during consultations, to easily explain the complexity of holistic health and how different systems are impacted in unison

  • easy and personalised educational tool

  • easily identify driving systems contributing to dis-ease


how it works for your patient

Just as there can be a lot to cover as the clinician in a consultation, there’s a lot for the patient to take in when we start educating them about why their health problems exist, and how we’re going to help them.

Patient compliance and retention is based on a few key things

  • rapport (of course, the most important)

  • trust (impacted by rapport)

  • understanding (they know what they’re doing and why)

  • commitment (which is easier when there’s a timeframe)

FOR client education

One of my big focuses in clinic is in client education, because I believe that true, long-lasting positive changes to health can only occur when one understands enough about their body to listen and learn from it.

In my quest to get my clients to understand why changing certain habits were of priority, and why taking said supplements and herbal support was necessary, I would deliver text-heavy reports to them and watch as their eye glazed over 15-minutes in. Could I blame them? The average attention span is only 8 seconds, and we retain visual content easier than text. I was using the wrong delivery system to get my information across.

With the State of Health graph™, it’s immediately recognisable to your client what systems need to be supported, and it’s simple and straightforward to explain the visual of how each system is interrelated, and how these systems are responsible for their health concerns

Your patient sits down and has their personalised health explained to them by you. They are looking at a graph that easily captures their current state of health, and they start to identify with the accuracy of this information. They can see themselves in their results. They listen intently as you explain how their gut is connected to their mood; how their stress is connected to their hormone imbalance; how their stress is linked to their immunity. They get it. It’s so much easier to explain a new or complex concept when there’s visual representation, and when one can see how it relates to them.

A snapshot of the benefits

  • less overwhelm

  • better understanding of their health and the holistic approach

  • increased compliance

  • longevity of results

  • proof of change thanks to your treatment program

  • easily track improvement over time to keep them motivated


how to use it in clinic

The State of Health software is best used in clinic as part of The Reporting Process.

The Reporting Process is a clinical framework that you can use to make the flow of your consultations and treatment easier.

We know that for long-term health changes to occur, there needs to be a deep level of understanding as to

a) why it’s important and what the consequences are

b) how to care for ourselves (which can only come from understanding their own body)

c) where our challenge areas are that we need to be pre-emptively supporting

“For too long I treated patients in an appointment-by-appointment structure, which can often lead to symptomatic prescribing. I also felt that I couldn’t impart information to them about all the things I knew about their body and how to care for it without overwhelming them. And, so, The Reporting Process was born.

I have seen first hand the benefit of education in my clients, and reserving the time required to go through these important health concepts with enough depth. there is increased retention of clients, and they can maintain their results for longer because they actually understand how to.” - emily banks