How to be in the 8% that will achieve their NY goals!

The Christmas trees are packed down, the hangovers are finally ending, and all the promises of a "New Year, New Me" are being noted down and blasted across social media. Unsurprisingly, only 8% of people will actually stick to their New Year resolutions... now, how could this be?

“New year, new me”

You are the same old you – perfect and glorious and ever-changing and expanding, just like you were yesterday. The new year does not bring you the gift of having shifted conscious and subconscious blocks without doing any inner work. That’s why 92% of people fail to actually keep their new year’s resolutions – because you aren’t going into the new year a totally different person (unless you’ve done the inner work!), and it takes time, commitment and perseverance to achieve any long-lasting, life-changing goal - especially when it comes to business!  

Sure, we mostly have the best intentions to start posting regular blogs, or get those newsletters out each month, or get some help with branding and marketing – but do you actually have a plan to keep these ideals in motion?  Or are you just hoping that suddenly all of the blocks that held you back last year, and the year before, and the year before that, have disappeared as the clock struck midnight? 

Changing habits takes time.  Of course you know this - but sometimes it's nice to be reminded.  Changing habits requires rewiring of neural pathways that have often been the norm for most of a lifetime.  This doesn’t get easier just because it’s the 1st of January.  It gets easier when we keep at it, and keeping at it gets easier when we clearly envision our goals, our resolve, and seek the right guidance when the going gets tough.  Because, let’s face it – it does get tough.  That’s the whole test – that’s the whole point!  When things get tough is when true change happens.  Without pain, discomfort, struggle, we miss the catalyst that pushes us to become more. 

So, my question to you this New Year is not what your resolution is – it’s what your plan is for three weeks’ time when your days are starting to blend into each other again, and you haven't thought about that blog that's overdue, and you've lost yourself in Google reading about all the overwhelm of marketing and don't know where to start.  What’s your plan then, when the going gets tough?  That’s the most important thing to think about when heading for any life-long change!

You can make these changes stick if you truly desire them!  Just understand that it takes time to change habits… it takes a support team to keep you going… but most of all, it takes patience and perseverance to get anywhere worth going in life. 

When setting any goal, it’s important to consider these factors, that prove to make goals more likely to be achieved:

1.     Keep it simple

Don't complicate things when it comes to goals - look at the outcome you desire, especially in regards to the way you'd like to feel.  You might want to feel more impactful in the world around you, or more organised in your business, or more present in your day to day life.

2.     Make sure it’s realistic

Manifestation is a real thing, and abundance is all around us... but be realistic with your goals and know that goals, just like you, are ever-changing and expanding.  

3.     Give yourself the time required to achieve it

Six-figure businesses don't happen overnight... think about where you are at, and how long it's going to actually take to get where you want to be.  Think about how long it took you to get to where you are, and what you can do to progress to your goals more quickly.. what systems are you not using that you could be? What support could help you that you currently don't have? 

4.     Break down your end goal into daily achievable tasks

The end goal doesn't just appear one day... it requires daily commitment and action.  How can you break down your big goal into bite-sized pieces?  This brings back into focus the importance of those regular blogs, the newsletters, the client reactivation, the marketing, the research... all the things that we otherwise so easily say, "I don't have the time!"

5.     Find a support network to help you get there

This is, in my opinion, the most important step above all.  Anticipate that the going will get tough - in fact, learn to embrace it.  That is the biggest catalyst for change, and your support team are there to remind you of all the reasons you started, and all the ways you can overcome your current challenges.  Your support team should be made up of people that are on your same level, and people that have already achieved what you are seeking to achieve.  Download our cheeky bonus Find your Tribe sheet for groups that already exist that can support you on your way to big success.

Approach your goals differently, and see your Self expand in ways you never have before.


Emily Banks